Dr. Stefan Scheiner 0676 301 30 93 Mag. Marlies Stubits, MBA MSc 0664 166 26 76 | Nibelungengasse 11/7 & Salztorgasse 9/7 1010 Vienna praxis@mediation-1010.at
Leave your conflict with us!
We are both registered mediators with the Federal Ministry of Justice .
This means you can rely on the highest quality and
absolute reliability and confidentiality .
In addition, mediation with us as registered mediators
a suspension of limitation periods.
We work individually or in co-mediation with our clients.
Which type of mediation is best for you,
We will clarify this together during the initial consultation.
Dr. Stefan Scheiner
Certified mediator
lawyer, management consultant, managing director, trainer in adult education
I would be happy to support you
- with business mediaton
_ in solving internal and intra-company conflicts
- during M&A processes and succession from companies
- in the event of conflicts in the arts and culture sector and in multicultural topics
- in the event of conflicts in the education-, research-, and university-sectors

Marlies Stubits, MBA MSc
Certified mediator
lawyer, executive coach, organizational developer
proven international experience
I would be happy to support you
-in any conflict-ridden situation
- with conflict coaching
- in inheritance disputes
- in resolving couple conflicts
- in separations and divorces
- in neighborhood disputes

We are trained mediators at the
Sigmund Freud Private University Vienna /ARGE education management.